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My Life as a Prison Wife

SunShine Jones
No Weapon formed against me, my husband, my children or my  generation to come shall prosper!

I am Lady SunShine and a Catalyst of change to the Nation. The epitome of a Strong woman; I am a preacher and a mighty warrior of Christ! God saw fit to equip me to speak into Prison Wives, Mothers, and daughters. 
My life as a prison wife is more than a title it's definitely a lifestyle! I live my life every day as if my husband Philip Jones was home. I am an Phenomenal mother of two daughers and together my husband and I have a total of four children; he has two wonderful sons that we both love with all of our heart and souls.  

I plan to travel around the world speaking at women conferences to women who suffer from their Husbands, sons, and dads being away in prison. I was sent to be a light house to reach the broken to assist to rebirth and restore ladies from all different types of walks of life. God hand picked me because he knew I would tell it like it is, the truth. People are looking for the Ultimate truth these days!  He choose me and told me that my suffering wasn't in vain. There are millions of other women going through what you have Overcame and you will help them overcome as well.  Prison wives need support and for many of us who were chosen for this lifestyle, the enemy will use anybody available to bring us down.  I knew I wasn't the only woman in the world who felt unexcepted by people that you thought had your back. 



I proudly walk through life happy! I speak words of encouragement to Millions! I tell people my story not to brag on us but to brag on Jesus. God can take our mess and turn it into a message! When people counted us out God counted us in. 

I created My life as a Prison Wife, because this is my life! I was not born to live anyone else's life but mine. I am confident in this lifestyle that I walk in. I am Standing Strong with grace to be in agreement with God about my husbands life in prison. These stilettos I walk in have been tested, many times and I am still Standing! I was sent to support, love, honor, adore, and keep my husband when no one else was their to make sure he was kept! My major concern was my husband's life after this life! I took out the time and labored in the spirit about his "Eternal Victory" this life on earth will come to an end shortly. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Matthew 16:26. What an awesome relationship we have.   Phil & SunShine win over souls for the Kingdom of Glory together!

People always tell me that  I make this life look so easy! Truly I was born for this ride through this journey! In Jeremiah 29:11 he said before I placed you in your mother's womb I knew you, his plans are to prosper us and not to harm us. 
God doesn't put anything on you that you can't handle! God qualifies you not man!  God is Able and he says when you go through persecution  he will be there. When you are in the court room, he is there. When you go before the doctors in any type of surgery he is there. God has always been their and always will be there. 

I Surrendered my life to God a long time ago; Inspite of Phil's temporary confinement he is the best man ever! Philip allows me to experience Agape love here on earth. God saw fit to place his son in my life. We have no limits and he is my best friend! We committed our lives to the Lord together and accepted a covenant between God, My husband, and Myself. We keep God as the head of our lives and we strive to keep one another happy at all times. We perform many selfless acts for our love. We walk in genuine love and our love prospers everyday. We fall in love over and over again day after day. This man is my Literally my dream come true . Everyone see's the radiance of love that we both share. My husband gave me the name SunShine because I brought such light to very dark places. I was his last hope. God released his Virtuous woman in the pit of prison and the belly of the beast. Even as a Virtuous woman I got talked about, laughed at, mocked, talked down on, and thrown under the bus. Majority of the people who laughed was the ones who went to church. We made up in mind our mind to avoid all negative people, and to cut them off immediately.  It seemed like the closest people to you will forsake you the quickest! We are blessed in this season because we got Delievered from people;  to God be the glory he will never lever you nor forsake you.. What kept me inspired to stick it out with my husband was the voice of God and the Eternal love that we share. God told me from the beginning of this journey with my husband I was going to have to walk by faith and not by sight. If God is for you, who can be against you?  I will never give up fighting for OUR MARRIAGE, OUR LOVE, NEITHER OUR FREEDOM! We are forever in this together!  I found out it won't be the people who are the closest to you that will support you; it's God's faithful servants, we  now have a host of sisters & brothers  in Christ world wide that support Phil N SunShine!

Phil and I are life mates; but most of all he is my brother in Christ, he got delievered and set free from sitting in the hole in prison. God spoke to him concerning his life and he willing excepted. We pray together! Laugh for hours and days. He keeps my spirits full of joy! He encourages me to keep running, he see's things in me; I don't even see. He believes in me, trust, and honor me. We

have what you call a Loyal relationship.  He gives me is last bite to eat, he loved me when no one else did.  He is there for me more than anyone in this world has been there. He calls me his "Sugga Boom Boom" and a million other million names. I smile everytime I think of him, I stay encouraged because I have so much to look forward to. We found ourselves conquering more when we let go of people and  made it more about Jesus, our family and our love.

I spend time working out, reading, writing books, beach walks, spending time with family, friends, and  traveling. I spend my whole life helping others and leading by example! 



We have a world wide prayer line that women come on and vent on, cry on, and get prayer to help strengthen them.  Prison wives need support! I am Empowered to Educate women that are chosen to walk this life as a prison wife, mother, or daughter.  I help them walk in Confidence about their lifestyles! I am a prison wife deal with it or keep it pushing- Lady SunShine.

This is my life as a prison wife not yours, inspired me to create hats, scarfs, other things to represent who you were called to be and walk in. "My life as a prison wife" is my life!  I help women become encouraged about their life as a prison wife! We have leadership trainings,  Powerful seminars and Motivational workshops. My overall goal is to change the direction and assist to birth dreams in prison wives so they in return birth their husbands into Destiny. If the head changes; the family as a unity will shift, and that is what society needs. The generations following will have a chance in life. The community overall will be blessed by it because we took this "Stand" together!  It is up to the wife to take her rightful position to get the necessary trainings &  teachings, To help save her family. We don't want our husbands coming out the same way they went in. It is going to take prayer & fasting to see this thing manifest. 
This walk has to be more Spiritual than Natural. Your flesh has to die daily! Stay Encouraged by keeping others encouraged. I found out that I am not the only one in this world so with that being said I rolled up my selves and helped someone else. God will turn your mess into his message for the world. Your test is his testimony for this world. Remember to dismiss mess out of your life; a hater gets pleasure with bringing pain in your life! Refuse to lower your standards to accommodate those who refuse to raise theirs. Stay inspired this  race is not given to the swift nor the strong but he who endures until the end. This relationship is none other than yours! Live your life and do what makes you feel good and what makes you happy! Say to yourself everyday This is my life as a prison wife! This is my life as a prison daughter! This is my life as a prison mom or sister! This is your life..

I look forward to praying for you, I look forward into speaking life into you and your family! I look forward to Empowering you and Encouraging you. Look towards the light house, God has giving us all a way of escape. He said follow the light, he is the light of this world and the truth!


Phil & SunShine are building a world wide church beyond the four walls Internationally.

Please support Phil & Sunshine Jones as we travel through the trenches of the uttermost parts of this world.



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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